Thomasville, GA – March 15, 2019 – Beginning later this month, the meeting schedule for the Thomasville City Council will be adjusted slightly, eliminating two workshop sessions each month. According to City Manager Alan Carson, the changes are being made to streamline the existing City Council workshop and regular meeting schedule.
“Historically, the City Council has met in regular session the second and fourth Monday of each month,” said Carson. “These meetings are preceded by a workshop session immediately prior to the regular meeting as well as an additional workshop session that is held on the Wednesday prior to regular Council meetings. After speaking with each Councilmember individually and together in workshop, they agreed that we could use our time more efficiently by making some changes to the existing schedule.”
Beginning Monday, March 25th, there will no longer be a 6:00 p.m. workshop session prior to the Council meeting. “We will convene at 7:00 p.m. for our regular Council meeting until the April 22nd meeting” said Carson. Carson said that the meeting time will then move to 6:00 p.m. beginning with the April 22nd Council meeting. “Changing the time of our regular Council meeting requires a change to our ordinances, so our new 6:00 p.m. Council meeting schedule will be effective with our April 22nd meeting.”
Carson said that the Wednesday workshops will continue. The Thomasville City Council meets for their workshop session at 4:00 p.m. in the council meeting room of the Thomasville Municipal Building, located at 144 E. Jackson Street. The 4:00 p.m. workshop sessions are held on the Wednesdays prior to the regularly scheduled Monday Council meetings.
In addition to changes to the workshop and regular meeting schedule, the Utilities Committee meeting will also meet once each month beginning in April. The Utilities Committee will meet at 8:30 a.m. each month on the Wednesday prior to the second Monday or the same day as the first regularly scheduled Wednesday workshop of each month. The Utilities Committee meeting is held at 8:30 a.m. in the council meeting room of the Thomasville Municipal Building. “The Utilities Committee meeting will be held on the same Wednesday as our first workshop session of each month,” said Carson.
“Our hope is that having the regular meeting of the Thomasville City Council at 6:00 p.m. will make it more convenient for our citizens to participate in their local government,” Carson said. “For many families, the later 7:00 p.m. meeting time interrupts dinner time or other activities. Meeting an hour earlier will hopefully eliminate those conflicts.”
The Thomasville City Council workshops and regular meetings are live streamed on the City’s website, In addition, a regular meeting calendar is posted on the website and is also available on the community scroll, CNS channel 10.