Geographic Information System
111 Victoria Place
Thomasville, GA 31799
(229) 227-4171
About the GIS Department
Traditionally, the City has operated with departments individually handling the management of their GIS resources and data management. As the City's GIS needs and interest have grown, the need for an organizational GIS Department was identified. In 2011, a number of City employees from various departments, some using GIS and some not, came together to develop a GIS strategic plan. As the first step in the implementation of this plan, a GIS Department was established in February of 2012.
Taking a hybrid approach, the new GIS department takes a corporate support role within the City of Thomasville, operating as a neutral department in the implementation of organization-wide GIS-related activities. Departments which heavily rely on GIS, such as Planning, Engineering and Utilities will retain their in-house GIS personnel, which will work with the GIS Department to establishing an Enterprise GIS. The GIS department also serves in a support capacity to departments which need minor GIS-related assistance.
Map Links
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