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On July 8, the City of Thomasville Police Department (TPD) welcomed two new Community Service Officers to the team as part of their ongoing efforts to foster better connections between the citizens of Thomasville and the community-oriented policing style of the department.

Thomasville Police Chief Wade Glover stated, “The two new non-sworn officers, Officer Ira Merrill and Katelyn Tucker, will be instrumental in furthering community relationships.” Chief Glover emphasized, “The new program aims to bridge the gap between the police and the community, fostering enduring and trustworthy relationships. By working together, they can address neighborhood issues through relationships rather than just tasks.”

The newly appointed CSO (Community Service Officer) Cadets will undergo an intensive eight-week training program to prepare them for their crucial roles within the Department. Upon completion of their training, these officers will have received extensive training covering a wide range of essential skills such as crime scene preservation procedures, intervention strategies for non-criminal activity, Georgia law, policy and procedure, first responder skills, physical fitness, emergency driving and braking tactics, computer interaction, radio communication, and accident reporting. This training will enable the officers to respond effectively to what are considered "low-priority" or "non-criminal and non-moving" violations.

Lieutenant Donna Langston shared, “The program was initiated in response to the citizen demand for a more visible and approachable police presence within neighborhoods.” “The new officers were intentionally designed to be more approachable to the community, reflected in the distinctive yellow and black uniform and patrol cars, in contrast to the traditional colors”, noted Langston.

Once necessary training is complete, the Community Service Officers will be based at TPD’s Stevens Street Police Substation at 725 North Stevens Street. They will have a significant role in assisting the elderly community and conducting friendly neighborhood patrols while upholding the law.

Chief Glover expressed, “I have confidence that the values learned during the eight-week training period will prepare these new officers to excel in their roles and hopefully lead to a rewarding career with TPD.”

For further information, please contact the Thomasville Police Department at (229) 227-3249.

