Natural Gas Frequently Asked Questions
Is natural gas service available in my area?
Natural gas is available within the city limits and portions of Thomas County. To verify service in your area, please call the City of Thomasville Natural Gas Department at (229) 227-6989. Our office is located at 944 Smith Avenue.
How do I apply for natural gas service?
If you are interested in the availability of natural gas at your location, please call (229) 227-7001.
How can I recognize a gas leak?
The natural gas industry has an excellent safety record, and City of Thomasville Utilities works very hard to keep it that way; however, it is important that our customers and residents know what to do in the unlikely event of a natural gas leak. You can detect the presence of natural gas a number of ways
SMELL: A distinctive "rotten egg" odor added to make natural gas detectable
LISTEN: An unusual hissing sound near gas appliances or a blowing sound near gas lines
LOOK: Blowing dirt, bubbling creeks or ponds, dry spots in moist areas, or dead plants surrounded by green, live plants near gas lines
I think I might have a gas leak. What should I do?
To report a leak 24 hours per day, please call the City of Thomasville Utilities Response Center at (229) 227-5499 or call 9-1-1.
If you smell gas or think you may have a gas leak within your home or business:
- LEAVE the area IMMEDIATELY and tell others to leave, too.
- CALL our City of Thomasville Utilities Response Center at (229) 227-5499 or call 9-1-1.
- DO NOT turn any lights on or off, smoke, use a cell phone, or operate any vehicle or equipment that could cause sparks.
- DO NOT attempt to turn natural gas valves on or off.
City of Thomasville Utilities will send a trained service technician immediately to investigate any emergency leak call.
What are the benefits of using gas in my home or business?
There are several benefits of using gas.
- Natural gas is the dominant energy source for home heating with more than 53% of American homes using gas. Natural gas will continue to be a major U.S. energy source into the 21st century.
- Natural gas is America’s best energy value. That's why natural gas use has increased by 35% over the last decade. On average, electricity costs three (3) times more to use in your home than natural gas.
- Natural gas is "Made in America." 99% of the supplies used in the U.S. are produced in North America, and there are abundant supplies.
- Natural gas is safe and reliable. The 1.3 million mile underground natural gas pipeline delivery system has an outstanding safety record.
- Natural gas is a wise environment choice because it is the cleanest and most efficient fossil fuel. Most electricity comes from coal, which produces far more emissions than natural gas. Unlike electricity, natural gas produces no solid waste.
Is natural gas affected by deregulation in Georgia?
No. Deregulation is voluntary and applies only to investor-owned utilities. Municipal systems, like the City of Thomasville Natural Gas Department, are exempt from deregulation. This means that the City of Thomasville Natural Gas Department will continue to be your sole natural gas provider. Therefore, you do not have to worry about dealing with two different companies. All you need is one reliable service! We are YOUR natural gas utility!!!
Should I always call before I start to dig?
YES. Call (800) 282-7411 or 8-1-1. You can also visit
If digging requires any type of mechanical device, please call before you dig. Mechanical devices include: excavator, auger, trenchers, etc. Our goal is to keep it safe for the worker and the customer.