- Current Projects Home
- Archived Projects
- Community Development Block Grant
- Comprehensive Plan
- Gateways Urban Redevelopment Plan (draft)
- Historic Preservation Report
- Parks Master Plan
- Remington Avenue Streetscape Project
- Stormwater Master Plan
- Streets and Sidewalks Resurfacing Plans
- Traditional Neighborhoods Urban Redevelopment Plan
- Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
Current Projects
The City of Thomasville is focused on innovation, dedication and community service. As an organization, we also strive to communicate with our community about major projects so that our citizens are as informed as possible. Current projects that have a wide-reaching effect on our community’s growth are listed on this page. Please use the menu at the left to learn more.
Project Overview Map
The Project Overview Map is an interactive map that pinpoints the locations of various capital projects the City is currently working on. By clicking on an item you can view information on the project such as a brief description, estimated start dates and the phase the project is currently in. The projects included on the map are:
- Transportation Projects – This includes adding or improving motorized and non-motorized transportation infrastructure such as roadways and sidewalks.
- Utility Infrastructure Projects – This includes projects such as upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility or water main replacements, new or significant storm drain work, and other key projects.
- Combination Projects – These projects have both tranportation and utility infrastructure elements.
Georgia Department of Transportation
The Georgia Department of Transportation plans, designs, constructs, maintains and improves the state's roads, bridges, and interstate highways. By clicking on the link below, you can view current projects in our area that are the responsibility of the GDOT.
Thomas County
Thomas County Public Works provides maintenance of county owned/maintained roads and right of ways, making them safe for motorists and pedestrians. By clicking on the link below, you can view current projects in our area that are the responsibility of Thomas County, GA.